Hadoop MapReduce

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  1. Mapper: \(x \rightarrow (x, 1)\)
  2. Combine
  3. Shuffle
  4. Sort
  5. Reduce: \((a, b) \rightarrow a + b\)

Fault tolerance


Mapper(key k, tuple t)
  tuple g = project(t)
  emit(g, null)

# Only for duplicate elimination
Reducer(tuple t, array n)
  emit(t, null)

Inverted index

Sample input:

url1 {jaguar, fast, v8}
url2 {jaguar, fast, teeth, tail}

Sample output:

jaguar -> {url1, url2}
fast -> {url1, url2}
v8 -> {url1}
tooth -> {url2}
tail -> {url1}

Sample code:

Mapper(docID id, doc d)
  for each term t in d:
    emit(t, id)

Reducer(term t, docIDs [id1, id2, ..., idn])
  emit(t, flattened list of docIDs)


Sample input:

[ketchup, mustard, relish]
[ketchup, buns]

Sample output:

N = 4 (number of distinct items)

k m r b
k X 1 1 1
m X X 1 0
r X X X 0
b X X X X
([k, m], 1)
([k, r], 1)
([k, b], 1)
([m, r], 1)
([m, b], 0)
([r, b], 0)

Number of elements in output:
\[\begin{align} |output| &= \binom{n}{2}\\ &= \frac{4!}{2!2!}\\ &= 6\\ \end{align}\]

Pairs approach

# Each item is one thing in a receipt
Mapper(null, items [i1, i2, ..., ik])
  for each item i in [i1, ..., ik]:
    for each item j in [i1, ..., ik] where j > i:
      emit([i, j], 1)

Reducer(pair [i, j], counts [c1, ..., cn])
  s = sum of [c1, ..., cn]
  emit([i, j], s)

Stripes approach

Mapper(null, items [i1, i2, ..., ik])
  for each item i in [i1, ..., ik]:
    H = new Map from item -> counter, initially zero
    for  each item j in [i1, ..., ik] where j > i:
      H{j} = H{j} + 1

    emit(i, H)
    # H is a stripe, e.g.
    #   (ketchup, {mustard: 1, relish: 1})

Reducer(item i, stripes [H1, H2, ..., Hm])
  H = new Map from item -> counter, initially zero
  H = merge_sum([H1, H2, ..., Hm])
  for each item j in keys(H):
    emit([i, j], H{j})


Ways to partition RDD

  1. Arbitrary
  2. By key

Join with inputs co-partitioned

url1 val1 -> executor 1 url1 val1' -> executor 1
url2 val2 -> executor 1 url2 val2' -> executor 1
url3 val3 -> executor 2 url3 val3' -> executor 2

Assuming both are partitioned by key.


This is a narrow dependency:

Join with inputs NOT co-partitioned

url1 val1 -> executor 3 url1 val1' -> executor 1
url2 val2 -> executor 1 url2 val2' -> executor 1
url3 val3 -> executor 2 url3 val3' -> executor 2

In this case, the same key is not on the same executor always, assuming arbitrary partitioning for e.g. table 1, but by key for table 2.

rdd1.join(rdd2): code looks the same as before, it all depends on the state of the data

This is a wide dependency because a shuffle is required before joining.

rdd1.map((x, y) => (y, x)).join(rdd2) will almost certainly by a wide dependency since it will now be indexed by value.

Word count

val dat = sc.textFile("sample_input")
  .flatMap(_.split("\\s+")) // Tokenize
  .filter(_.length() > 4) // Get rid of small words like "a", "an", etc
  .map(x => (x, 1)) // Initial count per word is 1
  .reduceByKey(_+_) // At this point we have word counts by word
  .map(x => (x._2, x._1)) // Swap key and value
  .sortByKey(false) // false means it will be descending
  .take(15) // Get the first 15 results